

An open invitation—Arta is now available to all US accredited investors


October 18, 2023

Arta started 2 years ago with a mission to unlock the ‘financial superpowers’ of the ultra-wealthy and make them available to many more people. Earlier this year, we started inviting our first members and helping them set up their digital family office, a more tech-forward way to grow, protect and enjoy their wealth. After a few quarters of being in invite-only mode - we are excited to open up to all accredited investors in the US

Why now?

Wealth management starts and ends with trust. We’re building a multi-generational company so our members and their families can rely on us for the long run. It also helps that the founders have significantly more experience (and as a result are a bit older with an average age of 47) and view this mission as their swansong. So we built this company differently from the average start-up. 

Typically startups are pressured to release a “minimum viable product”. But there’s a lot at stake when it comes to managing people’s hard-earned assets. So we approached things a bit differently, by not only building a comprehensive offering but also a strong foundation that our members could trust. We wanted to hit three goals before we opened up more broadly:

  • $100M in assets - at this AUM, the SEC considers the advisor a large RIA;

  • A comprehensive product suite that could help our members grow, protect & enjoy their wealth; and

  • A community of early members who love Arta and can help us shape the company and product.

And while we’re in our early days compared to some of the 100+ year old private banks with trillions of dollars in assets, we are thrilled by the progress and the feedback so far. As we get started on our next stage of growth, here are some new features coming to Arta over the next few weeks.

Growing your wealth

Public Markets

Arta launched with a keystone technology - uniting sophisticated quantitative investing techniques with machine learning and automated investing in AI-Managed Portfolios. But in the process, we also built an automated trading infrastructure to enable members to ride the public markets like the ultra-rich do. So over the next few weeks we’ll be launching a set of new capabilities that will enable our members to:

  • Go beyond investing in basic ETFs to setting up market tracking direct indexes with powerful tax-loss harvesting. Our members will also be able to better customize their investments by removing stocks where they already have significant holdings – for example, if you’re a Google employee who already owns a bunch of Google stock, you should really focus on S&P 499 to better diversify your portfolio. 

  • Put every dollar to work using sophisticated cash management techniques - via Harvest Treasuries or structured products like Principal Protected Growth

  • Stop accepting generic, off-the-shelf portfolios and instead build your own strategies based on your insights and beliefs, by leveraging AI through the Arta Copilot. Using a proprietary application of large language models and a comprehensive scorecard, investors can research, compose, and manage a custom portfolio.

  • And, for folks who just like vanilla, we’ll also offer a straightforward robo-advisor, but with tax loss harvesting and lower fees than you may expect, even from a robo. 

Alternative Investments

  • Advice via a proprietary recommendation engine for asset allocation within alternative asset classes, helping our members choose the right investment mix for them according to their goals, risk preferences, and liquidity needs.

  • New Alternative Investments from hard-to-access asset managers like Vista, TPG, Carlyle, Golub, Coatue, Mantis VC, and many more in the pipeline.

Protecting your wealth

Initially, Arta has focused on a few areas to help members to protect their hard-earned money for future generations, rising inflation, or simply against market uncertainty. 

  • WealthGen Insurance is a tax-advantaged permanent life policy that protects your loved ones while creating a growing asset. This is how the ultrawealthy use insurance – as a tax-advantaged investment vehicle similar to a Roth IRA, but even more powerful. WealthGen insurance has emerged as one of our most popular products with members having set up nearly $40M in policies through Arta. WealthGen Insurance is now expanding to include alternative investments to better accommodate the diverse needs of Arta’s members.

  • Managing overconcentration risk. Many of Arta’s members have accumulated stock from their employers, usually concentrated in a single company or industry such as tech. Options and derivatives can provide downside protection or income while waiting for a desired sale price, helping members diversify out of their concentrated position. Arta has made it easy to deploy these advanced strategies responsibly and safely, with just a few simple steps.

  • Structured investments to gain a majority of market upside while protecting against market downside. Structured products – typically a customized combination of equities, bonds and derivatives – are used by wealthy investors to protect against certain market conditions while still participating in market upside. The thing is, they’re usually only available at high minimums and high fees. That’s where we come in. Our first structured product, Principal Protected Growth (“PPG”), is now open and provides market upside with no loss of principal in case of a market downturn1.

We’re adding two important areas:

  • Tax and estate planning is often relegated to the “important, not urgent” bucket. Arta brings this up higher in your priorities by making it easier to connect with a specialist in the field – helping you structure your affairs and efficiently pay taxes so you can maximize your estate for your loved ones and avoid estate planning blindspots. 

  • Financial Planning. Some of our early members told us they want more advice and guidance on the investment allocation process. That’s why we’re now starting to offer financial planning services to Arta members, to assist in crafting a financial game plan that suits their unique situations.

Enjoying your wealth

As we move further along in our own personal financial journeys, we are continually reminded that true wealth is achieved when you have time and expertise to enjoy it.

That’s why we’re investing in two key areas:

  • Helping members take their time back by providing personal assistant services.

  • Facilitating opportunities to connect both online and in person with other Arta members so they can learn, benchmark, and get inspired from each other.

Arta Digital Family Office - all products Oct 2023

Thank you to Arta's earliest members

Early members have sent us hours of feedback, helped us gain insight into their financial goals, and invited other members into the fold. As we had guessed, many of our members are looking towards us for an intuitive and personalized experience, a holistic approach to their assets, access to the same opportunities as the ultra-wealthy, and a digital-native ethos that they’ve come to expect from the other essential services in their lives. As our member circle has grown beyond our friends and ex-colleagues, we’re encouraged by their reaffirmation that Arta is on the right track.

We couldn’t be more grateful to Arta’s extended community - our investors, partners, and members – who have entrusted us to be part of their financial future. Arta is now open to accredited investors in the United States – and we’re working to expand this to millions more globally over time. We look forward to welcoming you as an Arta member! 


Read the press release


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  1. PPG offers protection of your principal, however, investors do have counterparty risk where, like any corporate bond, your principal is subject to the credit risk of the issuing bank. Arta only partners with investment-grade issuers, as determined by the major credit rating agencies. See disclosures here.


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Alternative Investment

Public Markets

Cash Management

Structured Offerings

Family Office Services

Direct Indexing






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Important Disclosure Information

Arta Finance Wealth Management LLC ("Arta") is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Arta’s affiliates include Arta Finance Insurance LLC which offers insurance brokering services, and Arta Finance Club which offers tax and estate planning educational services. Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by Pershing LLC. For additional disclosures related to Arta, please visit

The information displayed on this website is for informational purposes only and is not an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell securities. Arta Finance believes information presented is accurate at the time of publishing, but may not be updated regularly. Investing involves risks, including the potential for principal loss. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

The investments discussed herein may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment objectives as well as financial and tax position. Investors should independently evaluate each investment discussed in the context of their own objectives, risk profile and circumstances before deciding to invest with Arta Finance. There is no guarantee that the strategies and services offered by Arta Finance will be successful or outperform other strategies and services. Investors should seek the advice of a tax professional before making any investment. All opinions expressed herein constitute the author or quoted individual(s)’s judgment as of the date of this document and are subject to change without notice. Registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a registered investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training.

Statements made are not facts, including statements regarding trends, market conditions and the experience or expertise of the author or quoted individual(s) are based on current expectations, estimates, opinions and/or beliefs. Opinions expressed by other members on Arta Insider should not be viewed as investment recommendations from Arta Finance. Endorsements were provided at the request of Arta Finance. Arta Finance is not affiliated with and does not purport to own or control any third-party content linked herein.

See important disclosures here.

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