Apr 08 2024

Brandon Bouier

The Courage to Ask “What If?”

Brandon is a founder and moderator of the Day 2 Investing community and authors its weekly Money Monday newsletter, reaching over 10,000 technology professionals with investing and personal finance insights. He hosts a bi-monthly AMA with his colleagues at Google, dedicated to the mission of sharing peer-to-peer financial insights and spreading grassroots financial literacy with those around him. Brandon is also a Manager at Google Cloud Consulting and an early member of Arta Finance.

show notes

This episode not only features a leader who's made a number of big gutsy moves in his life, but this guest also shares Arta’s mission of democratizing and demystifying the world of finance.

Brandon Bouier, founder of the Day 2 Investing Community and early Arta member, sits down with Caesar to share insights from the pivotal moments that defined his remarkable career journey. From leaving a stable government job during the 2009 recession to transitioning into the tech world, Brandon’s path is a testament to the power of embracing the unknown and living without regrets.

Brandon recounts his bold decision to move from Las Vegas to Seattle for a new opportunity despite his family’s concerns. Unwilling to live with the nagging question of “what if,” he took a leap of faith that would expose him to the world of technology and ignite his desire to pivot from government work to the private sector.

The conversation delves into Brandon’s initial struggles with imposter syndrome and how encouragement from colleagues at the White House’s U.S. Digital Service finally gave him the confidence to make the leap into tech. He also shares invaluable lessons he’d impart to his younger self about taking responsibility for one’s life path, staying patient and focused on goals, and maintaining financial discipline.

Brandon credits his ability to take calculated risks, combined with the support of his wife’s direct approach to discussing finances as a team, as key factors in his success. His story serves as an inspiration for being thoughtful about risks while remaining unafraid to defy conventions in pursuit of one’s dreams.

Interesting links from this week’s episode:

  • Follow Brandon on LinkedIn.

  • Join the Day 2 Investing newsletter at day-2-investing@googlegroups.com. This link can help with instruction for joining a Google Group.

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