staff your family office
The ultra-wealthy have battalions of experts to help them grow, protect, and enjoy their wealth. Arta makes engaging with these professionals more productive and way easier on your wallet.
life insurance
grow wealth tax efficiently
To grow and transfer wealth in a tax-advantaged way, the ultra-wealthy use permanent life insurance to build their legacy. Now with Arta, you can too.
Generate tax-advantaged wealth
Ensure an inheritance for your beneficiaries - usually free of income taxes.
Create a valuable asset
The cash value of your policy grows over time, which you can draw from as needed.
Finance the premium
Borrow your premium just like you would with a mortgage for a home.
guard against uncertainty
Options are a powerful way to hedge against undesirable outcomes – especially if you’re in a concentrated position with one or a few assets.
Smart Hedging Options
Ensures the value of a portfolio doesn’t go below a floor price.
Income Stream Options
Earns you income while you wait for the right price to sell your stock.
Bespoke strategies
Craft a strategy unique to your situation.
tax & estate planning
Protect loved ones & preserve wealth
Careful planning can help maximize the value of your portfolio - today and in the future.
Optimize your tax strategy
Leverage trusts, explore estate exemptions, and harness tax-exempt gifting opportunities to secure your wealth for future generations or anticipate pivotal life moments like marriage, relocation, or inheritance.
Navigate real estate complexities
Capitalize on options like depreciation claims and 1031 exchanges.
Maximize charitable contributions
Leverage philanthropic ways to make an impact on finances and society.
personal assistant
Supercharge your efficiency
Say hello to more free time. We’ll find the best assistant for your preferences.
Reclaim time
Your assistant is here to give you and your family the work-life balance, productivity boost, and organization you've always wanted.
Tailored to your family
Hire an assistant for 1:1 support, or find someone to support your entire family.
Guaranteed quality and security
Only the best assistants make it into Arta's network, thanks to our rigorous selection process and background checks.
reach the arta member success team
If you need to talk to someone, your membership has you covered - by phone or email.
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