Unlocking the Potential of Structured Products
Apr 22, 2025, Tue | 11pm UTC
About this session
Structured products offer a unique way to tailor investment exposure, whether that’s elevating your return or income potential, or building in some downside protection. Yet, many investors are unfamiliar with how these instruments work and how they can fit into a broader portfolio strategy.
In this introductory session, we’ll break down the fundamentals of structured products, including:
How structured products use derivatives to shape risk and return
The role of structured products in a diversified portfolio
How Arta partners with major banks to issue these products
Arta’s approach to designing structures to enhance investor outcomes
Whether you’re new to the asset class or looking for a clearer understanding, this session will provide the key concepts and insights you need.
DISCLOSURE: The investments discussed herein may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment objectives as well as financial and tax position. Investors should independently evaluate each investment discussed in the context of their own objectives, risk profile and circumstances before deciding to invest with Arta Finance. There is no guarantee that the strategies and services offered by Arta Finance will be successful or outperform other strategies and services. Investors should seek the advice of a tax professional before making any investment. All opinions expressed herein constitute the author or quoted individual(s)’s judgment as of the date of this document and are subject to change without notice. Registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a registered investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training.
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